Formal Grant Proposal

Submit a proposal that is 5 pages or fewer with the following information:
  1. Your mission
  2. The population your work will benefit
  3. The goals of your work
  4. The need for your goals
  5. The implementation plan to achieve your goals
  6. The impact your work has on the communities it serves
  7. Partners in the community that are also working on the same issues and how you are coordinating with them
  8. The criteria used to evaluate work to be funded
  9. Principal staff
  10. If project: Why is this project needed
  11. If project: How the project relates to the general goals of your organization
  12. If project: The principal staff working on the project and their qualifications
Please also attach:
  • Current operating budget
  • Most recent financial statements
  • Most recent audit
  • Board of Directors
  • Project budget, if applicable